Festival tour to Japan | 6 festival must join in Japan for festival lovers

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Japan is a unique cultural treasure trove.
Let's explore unique cultural experiences that can only be found in Japan!

Cultural Experience in Japan

Here are top 9 Japanese cultural experiences that you can try with HIS!



Sumo is one of Japan's national sports, with simple rules, and is a great sport to watch and play when visiting Japan. Watch sumo matches and practice and learn about the long and interesting history of sumo!



Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment with beautiful colors and prints. Kimonos come in a variety of patterns, each with a different meaning. Let's explore the profound world of kimono!

Cultural Experience

Cultural Experience

Sa-do (tea ceremony), Sho-do (calligraphy), and Shamisen (three-stringed Japanese guitar) are Japan's major traditional culture activities. Take a moment to get away from everyday life and enjoy a calming Japanese "wa" experience!



Japan has many world's famous animes locations.
Here are your perfect opportunities to visit and be in your dream world of Japanese animation!

Kawaii Experience


Japanese kawaii culture, which is now recognized around the world, can be seen in various scenes such as anime, cafes, and fashion. Let's bring some kawaii into your life in Harajuku, the center of kawaii culture!

Technology Experience

Japanese Technology

Innovative technology contributes to Japanese society in many aspects. You can see and experience Japanese advanced technology by visiting some of Japan's most advanced facilities!



Let's explore traditional Japanese towns like a local with Rickshaw! Rickshaw drivers will take you to an adventure where you can learn about town's history and restaurants that only locals know!

Shrines & Temple Tours

Shrines and Temples

Japan is a country with rich history of Shinto and Buddhism. Japan offers shrines (Shinto based) and temples (Buddhism based) with beautiful scenery. Visit the following top 3 shrines and temples in Japan to become familiar with Japanese history.

Making Experience

Sushi Making Experinece

Japan is home to one of the world's most popular food cultures! With HIS, you can enjoy making your own sushi and other unique Japanese dishes while learning about its history!